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Benzoin Essential Oil Silverstone


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Benzoin resinoid makes a useful addition to blends for all types of circulatory and joint problems including poor circulation, arthritis and rheumatism where it imparts a warming and comforting effect. For the best results with these conditions blend it with essential oils such as black pepper, ginger, juniper berry, lavender, rosemary or sweet marjoram.

The expectorant properties of benzoin can be invaluable when used as an inhalation to treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, colds and flu. Use it in your vaporiser or on a tissue with other expectorant essential oils such as eucalyptus, frankincense, niaouli, pine and ravensara for the best results.

Due to its warm, creamy fragrance and cheering characteristics, benzoin is comforting if you feel anxious, stressed, tense, worried or lonely. Madame Maury summed up the comforting action benzoin has on the emotional system when she wrote ‘This essence creates a kind of euphoria; it interposes a padded zone between us and events’.

Benzoin adds a pleasing base note to almost any blend, and works particularly well with bergamot, black pepper, cinnamon, cypress, frankincense, ginger, jasmine, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, marjoram sweet, myrrh, petitgrain, rose, rosemary and sandalwood.

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