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Oregano Essential Oil Silverstone


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SKU: 9351022008408 Categories: , , ,

Oregano has a lovely dry and warming quality with a camphorous and herbal scent. Research has indicated that Oregano essential oil is very effective against bacteria, fungus and viral infection. Useful for those who are prone to infection due to a lowered immune system and an expectorant that can help treat colds and flu. Oregano oil has anti-inflammatory, pain reducing and warming properties and can be used to encourage healing of muscle injuries and reduce arthritic pain.  Considered a stimulant for the mind, Oregano essential oil may be useful for mental fatigue and to help maintain focus especially in an essential oil blend for the office or study.
– Strong antibacterial and effective to prevent the spread of germs
– May help reduce inflammation and promote muscle healing
– Helps maintain focus

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